Rudbeckia triloba L.
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,06 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.45€
Brown-eyed Susan "Blackjack Gold" (Browneyed Susan, Three-leaved coneflower) - Rudbeckia triloba
Magnificent, lush flowering plants.
Biennial plant from the Asteraceae family.
Homeland: Central North America (prairies).
The growth pattern is straight, bushy, spreading.
A robust and long-flowering variety with abundant flowering. Blooms in the year of sowing.
Natural flowering period: June - October.
The inflorescences are about 4 cm in diameter, yellow to orange in color, with a dark brown center.
Flowering plant height: 100 cm.
Distance between plants: 60 cm.
Soil requirements: dry, well-drained, average fertility.
A good honey plant, great for cutting.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 – Z8.
1.0 g = 1100 seeds.

Name: in honor of the Swedish botanist and teacher Carl Linnaeus - Olaf Rudbek.
(Olaf Rudbeck (1630-1702) is a professor who taught medicine and botany at Uppsala University. His interests included: botany, zoology, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, etc. He was a mentor and friend of the young Carl Linnaeus. Known as the discoverer of the human lymphatic system in 1653. Great-great-great-grandfather of Alfred Nobel.

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